276-623-1107   info@abingdonequinevet.com

  PO Box 696
Abingdon, VA 24212


Hours :

By appointment only

8-5:30 pm : Mon-Fri

8-12:30 pm : Sat

Digital Radiography

I use the Vetel Wireless DR system which can age up to 65,000 shades of grey. This provides a much higher degree of detail and clarity than traditional radiographs. Also, these images are processed and displayed on the computer immediately within 4 seconds. This allows for

immediate image manipulations, measurements, and diagnosis of your horse's condition. These images also can be downloaded to the Internet at the same time for instant viewing by you, another veterinarian, or for consult by a radiologists. Finally, this system has the Metron imaging software which gives very detailed and accurate hoof and coffin bone measurements which is extremely beneficial for farriers and for corrective shoeing.